Thursday, December 31, 2015

Week At A Glance 1/4/2016-1/8/2016

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January 4

Day 2-

Welcome Back!!

Out Of Building- Webb

January 5

Day 3-

Fire Drill 10 A.M.

Out Of Building- Godfrey (8 am - 10 am), Webb

January 6

Day 4-

Buck A Book Kick Off Assembly 2:15-3

Out Of Building- Smith (9 am - 12 noon) @ EC, Webb, McIntyre, Champaign

January 7

Day 5-

Board Meeting 7:30 P.M.-8:30 P.M,

Out Of Building- Webb, McIntyre, Murray (PM)

January 8

Day 6-

Pride Day

Kindergarten Reading Night 5 P.M.-7 P.M.

Out Of Building-Godfrey (@ WM), Webb, McIntyre, Champaign

Bits & Bytes
Can Tweeting Help Your Teaching? (via NEA)

Consider using Twitter as a way to create a professional network of educators just like you.  Read more here.

PLC in Print
Positive Mindset May Prime Students' Brains

Having a positive mindset in math may do more than just help students feel more confident about their skills and more willing to keep trying when they fail; it may prime their brains to think better. Read more here.

An interesting read, for sure. How are we ensuring that we are encouraging a "growth mindset" in our students?

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wishing you peace and joy...

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As I reflect on the past month (that's how long I've been here at Clearview), I am very thankful to have been given this opportunity. Not because it boosts my resume, but because I am a better educator for seeing each of you perform your craft. I hope that I can contribute positively to your growth as an educator in the coming months as well.

My wish for each of you is to have some rest and relaxation over the next week and a half. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Week At A Glance 12/20 - 12/25

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December 21

Day 5-
Breakfast/Ornament Exchange Faculty Room 7:30 A.M.

Out Of Building- Smith (All Day), Webb

December 22

Day 6-
Winter Begins

Out Of Building-Webb

December 23

Day 1-
Ugly Sweater Day (No Jeans)

Out Of Building-Webb

December 24
Winter Vacation

December 25
Merry Christmas
Winter Vacation

Bits & Bytes

A mapping tool – This new feature from National Geographic allows educators and students to customize one-page maps for downloading, e-mailing, printing, or sharing:

PLC in Print

What does the "flow" look like in your classroom?  Nice read here.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Week At A Glance 12/14 - 12/18

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The Week Ahead

December 14
Day 6- Grade K & 1 Data Meeting
Out of the Building - Godfrey (@WM), Webb, Shellenberger, Johnson, Eppley (PM only)

December 15
Day 1- TLC Meeting ( 8 a.m.- 9 a.m.)
LIU Preschool Event (10:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m./ 2 p.m.-2:20 p.m. )
Out of the Building - Smith (All Day), Webb, Taylor

December 16
Day 2- Faculty Meeting (8 a.m.-8:45 a.m.)
Holiday Concert Assembly ( 2 p.m.- 3 p.m.)
Out of the Building - Webb, Beam, Murray

December 17
Day 3 - Board Meeting ( 7 p.m.- 8 p.m.)

Out of the Building - Webb, Beam, Paup

December 18
Day 4- Foundation Day
Grade 4 Principal Calls Due
Out of the Building - Smith (All Day), Webb, Shearer, Schimek (AM only), Groff (All Day)

Bits & Bytes

Google continues to blur the lines between physical and digital.  What used to only live on paper, can be edited in Drive.  Through the power of OCR (Optical Character Recognition), you can convert a physical text page to an editable Google Doc.  Think about the possibilities.

PLC in Print

This video is 14+ minutes long and I certainly don't agree with all that is presented...but watch/listen to the first 90 seconds.  Do we say "she can't do that...she's not ready to play Journey" to our students in ways that we don't even realize?  How can we raise the RIGOR in our classrooms for our students without just simply dumping MORE on them?

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Week at a Glance: 12/7 - 12/11

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The Week Ahead

December 7
Day 1 - Grades 4 & 5 Data Meeting
Picture Retakes
Holiday Shop (all week)
Holiday Shop Family Night 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Out of the Building - None

December 8
Day 2 - Grade 2 Data Meeting
Subway Day
Holiday Concert 7:30 - 8:30 pm at the SH Auditorium
Out of the Building - Smith (8:45-10:00 am)

December 9
Day 3 - Grade 6 Data Meeting
Sparkle & Neon Day
Out of the Building - Smith (all day)

December 10
Day 4 -

Out of the Building - Smith (AM)

December 11
Day 5 - Grade 3 Data Meeting
LS Teaming 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Out of the Building - None

Bits & Bytes

What is Google Keep?

Google Keep is a great product that produces digital sticky notes.  I use them all the time..on my laptop AND my phone.  Any note that I create I can access on ANY device as long as I login to my Google account.  I can also share any note with another user or group of users.  I love how productive it makes me.

To learn more, I'd recommend checking out Alice Keeler's (@alicekeeler) blog.  She has a ton of resources, not only on Google Keep, but Google for Education tools.

Click here to download Google Keep onto an Android device.
Click here to download Google Keep onto an iOS device.

PLC in Print
Rubik's Cube: A Questions Waiting to be Answered

"The problem with old schooling is they teach the answers...questions are more important today than the answers." How will you make sure that your classroom is RELEVANT to the students of today?