Monday, August 29, 2016


Print Friendly and PDFPrint Friendly The Week Ahead........

August 29-
Day 5-
Pink Day
Out of Building-None

August 30-
Day 6-
Red Day
Out of Building-None

August 31-
Day 1-
Orange Day

Out of Building-Orwig (Half Day AM)

September 1-
Day 2-
Elem. Band Demonstration
Green Day
Board Meeting @ 7PM
Out of Building-Koppenhaver (Half Day AM)

September 2-
Day 3-
Elem. String Demonstration
Yellow Day
Classroom Discipline Letters due to office 
Out of Building-Knepp, Bortner, Dunlap (All Full Day)

No School Monday!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2016


Print Friendly and PDFPrint Friendly Week Ahead.............Welcome Back!

Tuesday August 23
Day 1-
First Day of School for KPM & Grades 1-6
Out of Building-None

Wednesday August 24
Day 2-
1st Day of Specials
First Day for KAM
Out of Building-None

Thursday August 25
Day 3-
Back To School Assembly @ 1:15 p.m.
Fire Drills @ 9:15 a.m. and 2:15 p.m.
Out of Building-None

Friday August 26
Day 4-
1st Day of K ABLL/Specials
Out of Building-Hughes @ LJM

Other Reminders:
-Complete teacher survey:
-Return JA Volunteer sheet
-Update Google schedule
-Review/update crisis phone tree (in office by mailboxes). Please initial by your name and/or change info
-Update Edlio webpage
-Update substitute binder

Bits & Bytes

"You Only Get One "First Day of School"
Click here to read more.