Sunday, March 31, 2019


Print Friendly and PDFPrint Friendly The Week Ahead.........

Monday April 1st-
Day 4-
April Fool's Day!!
Gr. 6 Data Meeting (PSSA) @ 8AM (LGI)
Unannounced Fire Drill AM - RESCHEDULED
Pennies for Patients Kick-off Assembly @ 2:30 PM

Out of Building- None

Tuesday April 2nd-
Day 5-
AG Lab (Linked Schedule)
Gr. 3 Data Meeting (PSSA) @8AM (LGI)
Gr. 1 Byrnes Lessons (LGI)

Out of Building- Frey (Half Day PM)

Wednesday April 3rd-
Day 6-
Elementary Music Day- you may wear jeans
AG Lab
Gr. 4 Data Meeting (PSSA) @8AM (LGI)

Out of Building-None

Thursday April 4th-
Day 1-
AG Lab
School Board Meeting @ 7PM @ E.C.

Out of Building-  Key (Full Day), Murray (Full Day), Roy (Full Day)

Friday April 5th-
Day 2-
AG Lab
Spring mid-semester progress reports
-Please let parents/guardians know when/how to expect the progress reports - by email and/or in a newsletter. 
Me and My Guy Dance @ CV from 7p-9p

Out of Building-Knepp (Half Day PM)

Bits & Bytes

Virtual Field Trips! Discover more with your RLASD Discovery Education membership. Need VR Goggles, let me know...

Discovery Education...too much to filter, too little time? DE takes a look at the various ways to use filters in Discovery Education to narrow search results and make it possible to identify your best resources. Click here to find out more.

Used Padlet? Try Webjets,'s free!

Sunday, March 24, 2019


Print Friendly and PDFPrint Friendly The Week Ahead.......

Monday March 25th-
Day 5-
Unannounced PM Fire Drill

Out of Building-Dunlap (Full Day), White (Full Day)

Tuesday March 26th-
Day 6-
2 Hour late start for students
-Scoring common writing assessments @ 8AM GrK-3, 4-6 ELA (LGI)
-Professional Development @ 8AM Gr 4-6 Math (LJM)

Out of Building-Frey (Half Day PM), White (Full Day)

Wednesday March 27th-
Day 1-
Gr. K/1 Data Meeting @ 8AM
-Review of ROAR (bring updated running records)

Out of Building-Kurtzman (Full Day), White (Full Day)

Thursday March 28th-
Day 2-
Gr. 5 Data Meeting @ 8AM
-PSSA Groupings
TANK Meeting @ 1PM

Out of Building-Kurtzman (Full Day), Murray (Full Day), Paup (Half Day PM), White (Full Day)

Friday March 29th-
Day 3-
End of MP 3
Gr. 2 Data Meeting @ 8AM
-Review of ROAR (bring updated running records)

Out of Building-Brooks (Half Day PM), Frey (Half Day PM),Groff (Half Day PM), Kurtzman (Full Day), White (Full Day)

Sunday, March 17, 2019


Print Friendly and PDFPrint Friendly The Week Ahead........

Monday March 18th-
Day 6-
PLC Grades 4-6 Math @ 8:30 (LGI)

Out of Building- None

Tuesday March 19th-
Day 1-
Gr. 4 Byrnes Lesson

Out of Building-Frey (Half Day PM), Godfrey (Half Day PM)

Wednesday March 20th-
Day 2-
Faculty Meeting @ 8AM (PSSA)
Support Staff Meeting @ 10AM (PSSA + Timecard Review)
PTO Meeting @ 6PM
1st Day of Spring!!!

Out of Building- None

Thursday March 21st-
Day 3-

Out of Building-Key (Full Day)

Friday March 22nd-
Day 4-

Out of Building-Dunlap (Full Day), Frey (Half Day PM), Groff (Full Day), Key (Full Day)

The View is Clear...

Innovator's Mindset

CV is in the final stretch of our book study, and I wanted to give a BIG shout out to all those teachers who have put themselves out there, sharing lessons, opening doors, and collaborating on all the great opportunities our school creates for our students. In a nutshell, this ongoing professional learning is the essence of Chapter 9, Powerful Learning First, Technology Second with a focus on those ending discussion questions:

  1. How do you model and explore new opportunities for learning in your own practice?
  2. What opportunities are you providing for informal learning, exploration, and “play” with new technologies in your organization?
  3. How do you move from “standardized” to “personalized” learning opportunities for your students and staff?
and Chapter 11, Embracing an Open Culture with an overall focus on this, the chapter synopsis:

How do we make great learning go viral? The amount of resources that educators have access to is far more than even 10 years ago, but do we promote sharing, or stifle it? Educators need to move from the idea that “I have nothing great to share”, to “what I share can make a difference for students anywhere.”  With the technologies we have access to, it is not only important to share globally, but more important to learn from one another locally.

finally, embracing Chapter 12, I wanted to reshare with each of an upcoming opportunity at EdCamp York, PA. It is a fantastic opportunity that I have been a part of both as a teacher and administrator and will be in attendance again this year. In its essence the philosophy is covered with the synopsis of this chapter:

We create what we experience.  Yet too often we talk about what powerful learning can look like, yet not necessarily provide professional learning opportunities for our community to really experience what learning could look like today.

I would love to encourage each of you to attend and register with the link below. If you'd like to carpool, please don't hesitate to ask since I am already registered to attend. 


Sunday, March 10, 2019


Print Friendly and PDFPrint Friendly The Week Ahead........

Sunday, March 10th
Daylight Savings Time - Spring Forward
Hoss's Night

Monday, March 11th-
Day 1-
Kindergarten Reg. @ WM

Out of Building-Godfrey (Half Day PM), Brooks (Half Day PM), White (Full Day)

Tuesday, March 12th-
Day 2-
Kindergarten Reg. @ WM

Out of Building-White ( Full Day)

Wednesday, March 13th-
Day 3-
PLC Grades 3-6 ELA (Shildt)
Kindergarten Reg. @ WM
Potato Day

Out of Building- White (Full Day), Behrmann (Full Day)

Thursday, March 14th-
Day 4-
PLC Grades K-1 (Reading)

Out of Building- White (Full Day)

Friday, March 15th-
Day 5-
PLC - Grade 2 @ 8AM (Individual Classroom)

Out of Building- White ( Full Day)

Saturday, March 16th-
PTO Paint Night - Session 1 @ 12:30; Session 2 @ 5:15 (Chanceford Community Bldg)

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Print Friendly and PDFPrint Friendly The Week Ahead.........

Monday March 4th-
Day 2-
Read Across America- Wear a hat

Out of Building-Key (Half Day PM), Shellenberger (Full Day), White (Full Day)

Tuesday March 5th-
Day 3-
Read Across America- Wear green

Out of Building-White (Full Day)

Wednesday March 6th-
Day 4-
Read Across America- Book Character Day (You may wear jeans on this day)
Paint Night Ticket Requests DUE

Out of Building-White (Full Day)

Thursday March 7th-
Day 5-
Read Across America- Wear a mustache
TANK Meeting @ 1PM
School Board Meeting @ 7 PM

Out of Building-Key (Full Day), Baummer (Half Day AM), Koppenhaver (Full Day), Krone (Half Day AM), White (Full Day)

Friday March 8th-
Day 6-
Read Across America- Wear clothes with numbers (You may wear jeans on this day)

Out of Building-White (Full Day)

Saturday, March 9th-
PTO Roller Skating Night @ 5:15-7:15 (Roll "r" Way Family Skating Rink)

Sunday March 10th-
Hoss's Family Day Fundraiser for CV - 11 AM- 9PM

The View is Clear...

Many asked about effective teacher practice after the Danielson review during CVs recent PD day. Wanting to follow through on those requests, these videos linked below appear per domain and noted on the website EngageNY.

Further ideas for teacher instruction also appear on one of my favorite blog/website, Cult of Pedagogy. Check it out to further your professional conversations around not only CV but the district, too!