Monday, June 3, 2019


Print Friendly and PDFPrint Friendly The Week Ahead.........

Monday June 3rd-
Day 5-

Tuesday June 4th-
Day 6-
Staff vs Sixth-Grade Kick Ball
Dismissed to attend @ 9:30 AM
Game Begins @ 9:45 AM
Lunch Brown Bag-Outside Picnic

Out of Building- Key (Half Day), Atkinson (Full Day)

Wednesday June 5th
AM: Wellness Sessions @ SHS
The document linked here to see all of the activities and sessions offered

PM: Building Sessions (LGI)
(Conducted by Libby Stambaugh and Google Classroom Assignment - Posts June 5 @ 12PM)
**Perception Data
**2019 PSSA Student Data
**Fire Drill

Out of Building- Key (Full Day), Atkinson (Full Day)

Thursday June 6th-
June 6, 2019 Elementary Agenda

*Meet to Share & Fly-Up Meetings
Google Classroom Assignment - Posts June 6 @ 7:45AM
(see times shared in Elementary Agenda linked above)

Out of Building-Key (Full Day), Atkinson (Full Day)

Friday June 7th-
Flex Day

If flexible professional development hours were chosen for June 7, you must fill out the log sheet to account for your hours.(See original memo for the log sheet.)  For each activity logged, you must obtain a signature from the presenter (if a face-to-face session) or attach documentation of attendance in the session (certificate of completion, printed agenda, etc.). You are responsible for logging your flex time for June 7, 2019 in AESOP and uploading the log of hours and documentation into the AESOP system. Choose “Flex Day” when entering this absence in AESOP.  

All logs and documentation must be uploaded into Aesop by the end of the work day on June 6 in order to receive Act 48 hours. Turn in your packet (staple log and documentation) to your building principal before you leave for the summer break.

If you did not take advantage of this opportunity, you must complete 6 hours of professional learning time on June 7.

For professional learning options:
  • Click here to access the links to the Safe Schools trainings and/or the SAS PD Center.
  • Badge at
  • View a recorded session from June 5 - available on June 6. 
  • Ask your supervisor for approval for other independent professional development activities to complete. (We are providing Act 48 hours; therefore, all activities must focus on new learning and improving your craft of teaching. Planning does not count for Act 48.)
  • View a movie and participate in the discussion - see June 2019 Memo for more information. 
  • Attend the full-day Check & Connect training. Contact your building principal if you wish to be a part of your school's Check & Connect Team.
On June 7, log your activities onto the log sheet. (See original memo for the log sheet.) For each activity logged, you must obtain a signature from your principal/assistant principal or attach documentation of attendance in a session. You are responsible for logging your time for June 7, 2019 in AESOP and uploading the log of hours and documentation into the AESOP system. Choose “Professional Develop” when entering this absence in AESOP.  

All logs and documentation must be uploaded into Aesop by the end of the work day on June 7 in order to receive Act 48 hours. Turn in your packet (staple log and documentation) to your building principal before you leave for the summer break.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

Out of Building- Key (Full Day), Atkinson (Full Day)