Friday, October 30, 2020

Nov. 2-Nov. 6

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The Week Ahead......

Goodbye EDT

Hello EST

Monday November 2nd-

Day 1- 

A Presentation to Share and a Student Voting Opportunity from the Principal's Office

-please show sometime on Monday, November 2nd. Grade level video options appear on slide 2 of the show. Slide three presents their student voting opportunity. Other activities are available, too! Check those out HERE

Out of Building- Key (Full Day), Jennings (Full Day), Laird (Full Day)

Tuesday November 3rd-

No School for Students!

P/T Conferences 8 AM-12 PM

Google Attendance Form for P/T Conferences-Due November 19, 2020

Out of Building-None!

Wednesday November 4th-

No School for Students!

P/T Conferences 8AM- 8PM

Out of Building-None!

Thursday November 5th-

Day 2-

2nd Gr. Byrnes Lessons

Out of Building-Laird (Full Day)

Friday November 6th-

Day 3-

Fall Picture Retakes

Out of Building-Laird (Full Day)

Closure Day Letter to Teachers

Work Orders:  Please speak to Madi first about a difficulty you may be having in your room. She will then determine if she can problem solve it here with our team or if it needs to be a Buildings/Grounds Work order through FMX. If directed to complete a work order, check it out in the RLASD Tools Clearview tab, CV Dashboard, or this link HERE

Check & Connect: Looking for additional SUPPORT Staff or FACULTY who would like to join the team. Need more information? The informational flyer is linked HERE. ANYONE employed with RLASD can be a Check & Connect Mentor to a CV Student & training is provided! Training will begin soon, so let me know if you are interested in mentoring a student through Check & Connect! For more information, head to the University of Minnesota

Friday, October 23, 2020

October 26th- October 30th

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 The Week Ahead..........

Monday Oct. 26th-

Day 2-

CV Faculty Meeting - Agenda is still under construction....

Red Ribbon Week- Love and Respect Yourself- Wear red/and or hearts

Out of Building-Laird (Full Day), Mellinger (Full Day), Webb (Full Day)

Tuesday Oct. 27th-

Day 3-

Red Ribbon Week-Turn your back on drugs-Wear shirt and hat backwards

Out of Building-Laird (Full Day)

Wednesday Oct. 28th-

Day 4- NO ROAR & 2-Hour Delay Schedule (Linked in CV Dashboard-CV Schedules & Meetings)

End of 1st Marking Pd. 

2-Hour Delay for Students

2-Hour Delay Agendas for Teachers:  Grades K-3 & 4-6 ELA (Email on Monday)

(Danielle Ogle is attending a conference on this date, so will be unavailable for the ELA portion of the 2-Hour delay. Please follow the hyperlinked agenda for guidance and planning.)

                                                             Grades 4-6 Math + IS (Hyperlinked)

Remote Practice Day - See NOTES Below (Includes Q&A Section)

Red Ribbon Week- Be Strong- Dress in a cape or Superhero outfit

Out of Building-Laird (Full Day); Ogle (Full Day)

Thursday Oct. 29th-

Day 5-

Red Ribbon Week- Peace Out to Drugs- Wear tie-dye and peace signs

Out of Building-Laird (Full Day)

Friday Oct. 30th-

Day 6-

Red Ribbon Week-Take Care of Yourself- Wear school-appropriate 2-piece PJ's

3rd Grade Byrnes Lessons

PBIS MP1 Reward - Ice Cream & A Show @ 2:45-3:15 

(Angie will email further information early next week:)

Out of Building-Laird (Full Day), Webb (Full Day)

Mock Remote Days

Here is what you need to get you started:

·         On October 28, November 11 & 18, please "walk" your students through "a day in the life of the REMOTE student" - the steps of responsibility and accountability -  that every student should take on the first day of closure to access the materials and to be able to send you an email. 

·         These scheduled  “Practice Remote Day(s)” are in-person for teachers and students.

·         In the meantime, Teachers you SHOULD be taking home your laptops (and chargers!) every night as well as what you may need for the next day’s lessons. If an overnight closure were to occur, you need to be PREPARED. Even consider taking home what you can’t live without.

·         If we have ONE announced snow day = (isolated, one, and done) it’s a HYBRID Instructional Day. 

If we have consecutive announced snow days = Day TWO will start your REMOTE Instructional Day schedule (see linked schedule below).

·         Teachers, if you would like to create an emergency plan folder for each student in your homeroom class, see Mrs. Groff (we have folders available for students). In addition, what you create on paper CAN be recreated digitally and used with practice and repetition it would be available if other materials are misplaced! Highly recommend both options for all our students especially those who have less than reliable internet. DO NOT let the internet be their excuse! 

·         Teachers, if the building is closed - DO NOT come into school until you receive an email or phone notification that the building has reopened. It is not safe for you to be present when Dr. Deisley has designated the building closed.

REMOTE Day Practice Mock Schedule linked HERE


Mock schedule reflects on common lunchtime, will that be the case at CV while practicing?

-No. Please think of the mock schedule in two parts with your normal B&M scheduled lunchtimes according to your grade level and specials will remain at their normally scheduled time while attending the practice sessions at CV. This will include specials, too.

Can I teach live mode from my laptop during the different sessions as indicated in the mock schedule?

Yes. In fact, I would like to encourage you to have your students plug in their headphones and follow you on the laptop presentation through a Google Meet/Seesaw Link. Use what students will have at home with them to move through the lesson and the independent activity. During the independent activity, walk through the classroom to ensure engagement, but have students actually email you when confused and clarification is needed. Run through a ROAR in a remote fashion when ROAR time is held during the B&M schedule. 

On day two of school closure, what happens if my own internet does not work in order to instruct live lessons?

If you consistently have internet difficulties during cloudy or storm days because you have satellite internet, please let me know. No matter what, instruction still must occur, and I can help with ideas or possible work throughs to get you where you need to be by what may be an unforeseen REMOTE day two + for instruction. 

Learning support students, how can we schedule their time for their IEP services?

Regular Ed and LS teachers will need to plan coordination of the day for those students with IEP. Whether B&M or Remote, IEP services hours must still be in compliance. LS students will need to know and practice with the LS teachers how to connect with them during pre-arranged small group meeting times coordinated with the regular ed teacher so that a double booking of small group instruction does not occur for the IEP student. 

Please keep the questions coming, and I will help and assist where I can. Thank you!

Red Ribbon Week

If you are participating in the Red Ribbon Week dress activities, you may wear jeans.

In-House Climate Survey

Please plan for all students to take the survey on NOVEMBER 2. Students will need to use their iPad or laptop for a 15 minute period of time on that date. Plan anywhere in your day with students to accommodate this survey. While it does not matter what time students in the building take the survey it will matter that all students in a given grade level complete the survey in one sitting during that day. Links specifically designed for the grade bans will be distributed to teachers early next week. 
Thank you! 

CV PTO Spirit Wear

The PTO has kicked off our spirit wear apparel sale! Spirit wear apparel is available for order online only. The deadline to order is November 20th at midnight. Pickup for apparel is scheduled for Monday, December 21st, pickup location, and times to be decided. These items will make great gifts for Red Lion students and families!

The link for ordering is below:  

Friday, October 9, 2020

October 12th-October 16th

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 The Week Ahead.....

Monday October 12th-


Tuesday October 13th-

Day 5-

Out of Building- Key(Full Day), Arnold, K (Full Day), Laird (Full Day)

Wednesday October 14th-

Day 6-

Out of Building- Key (Full Day), Laird (Full Day)

Thursday October 15th-

Day 1-

NorthEast ShakeOut Earthquake Drill

School Board Meeting @ 7PM

Out of Building- Laird (Full Day)

Friday October 16th-

Day 2-

Deadline Notice to Parents/Guardians - Appointment Slots for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Out of Building- Laird (Full Day)

Bits & Bytes

-Free Technology for Teachers

-Free Technology for Teachers



Clearview Community

-Looking for a way to "spice" things up this weekend with family and friends

-Self - Care for Families! Check It Out:)

Friday, October 2, 2020

October 5th- October 9th

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 The Week Ahead......

Monday October 5th-

Day 6-

Out of Building-Frey (Half Day PM)

Tuesday October 6th-

Day 1-

Faculty Meeting Tasks-Due (Agenda)

Out of Building-Laird (Full Day)

Wednesday October 7th-

Day 2-

Primary Grade K-2 Q & A: VOLUNTARY check-in! @ 8:15-8:30 AM
-Brick & Mortar/Hybrid Topics (i.e. Attendance, Seesaw, etc.)
-Face-to-Face (6ft distanced): LGI
-with Key/Godfrey/Frey & Ogle 

Out of Building-Laird (Full Day)

Thursday October 8th-

Day 3-

Intermediate Grade 3-6 Q & A: VOLUNTARY check-in! @ 8:15-8:30 AM
-Brick & Mortar/Hybrid Topics (i.e. Attendance, Seesaw, etc.)
-Face-to-Face (6ft distanced): LGI
-with Key/Godfrey/Frey & Ogle 

Great Outdoors Day- Jeans allowed

Fire Drill - 9:30 & 10:00 AM

Out of Building-Laird (Full Day)

Friday October 9th-

Day 4-

Differentiated Supervision Action Plan due in PA-ETEP

Student Learning Objectives due in PA-ETEP

Out of Building-Jennings (Full Day), Laird (Full Day), O'Handly (Full Day), Orwig (Full Day)

Pre/Post Assessments:

Reading & Writing:

For the past two years at CV we have used the 2-hour delay to grade Lucy Calkins Assessments (post). Those discussions brought us to a focus for K-2 sentence structures & 3-6 paragraph structures based on the rubric and common elements between grade levels. We examined one line of the Lucy Calkins' writing rubric dealing with conventions. 

Any Lucy Calkins pre-assessments for CV should really only look at one line of the rubric for each Lucy Calkins unit, and in addition, match up with a state standard that then aligns with the standards-based report card. Many of you have begun teaching a Lucy Calkins unit. If a pre-assessment prior to Unit 1 was not given, the post-assessment will provide you, as the classroom teacher, a glimpse at what writing or reading elements should be a focus for the next unit and differentiated for each student. Each rubric is different and each unit has a different focus. Yes, the match may not be perfect. However, the post-assessment along with your formative daily check-ins should provide you enough data and information to guide the next unit's instructional focus and what rubric line of focus should be once all the data pieces are put together. It is then that a pre-assessment is given to guide instruction, formative daily check-ins given, through it all provide a clear pathway for each student to exhibit mastery growth in the post-assessment. We don't know where to improve as a teacher or as the student without a look at the data that informs our instruction and learning - overall growth. In addition, with only measuring one line of the rubric that matches your standard of focus, grading time is reduced.

-More to come on October 28th. 


Modules of instruction the district has adopted are aligned with the PA Core and the PDE Curriculum Framework linked HERE. CV began the work of building two units of math instruction aligned specifically with the PA Core standards. Just as noted last year with Troy Strayer, pre-and post-assessment data inform instruction to measure where a student is and how as a teacher, you will guide them - overall growth. Please ensure you are using your hard work with EDM tools, these are still available to you to use. Just as Lucy Calkins will be guiding instruction as outlined above, so should pre-and post-assessments for math.

-More to come on October 28th

Byrnes Dates - Update your Classroom Calendars!

Fall, 2020                                                        Spring, 2021
Grade 3 - Oct 30                                              Grade 5 - April 13
Grade 2 - Nov 5                                               Grade 1 - April 14
Grade 4 - Dec 11                                              Grade 6 - March 16

Materials & ZOOM links and more will be coming next week for fall dates. Spring dates will receive their materials & ZOOM links in January.

Dental Thoughts with Kathi Hunger-Sanders

-Personal Protective Equipment-Link HERE