Thursday, September 30, 2021

Oct 4-8

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The Week Ahead....

Monday, October 4
Day 6

Out of Building:  Kurtzman (full day) Johnson (full day) Atkinson (half pm)

Tuesday, October 5
Day 1
Grade 6 Byrnes Lessons 

Out of Building:  None

Wednesday, October 6
Day 5

Out of Building:  Mellinger (full day)

Thursday, October 7
Day 6

Out of Building:  Jennings (full day) Cross (full day) Riedel (full day)

Friday, October 8
Day 1
Out of Building: Key (Full Day) Jennings (full day) Hoffman (full day) Cross (full day) 
                               Webb (full day)

Fire Drill Notes ...

from 9/28: EXCELLENT Job Everyone! As you know, 90 seconds out goal...It took our staff & students 80 seconds to be out the doors and closed behind them:) Keep up the great work!
Side note - Remember to take your red bags with you for recess as our sound system for fire drills does not alarm outside our building. 
Here are the SY21-22 Fire Drill Dates and also linked on the CV Dashboard


Mini-Thon Mondays are here! Dress down with your pass or t-shirt purchases of old all related to mini-thon Four Diamonds:)

Be sure to pick up your Collective Efficacy Book Club book now available in the front office & fill out the Google Form linked here in order for the committee to let you know who are your group members.(Deadline, 10/1 book selection) Thank you! 


Friday, September 24, 2021

9/27 - 10/1

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 The Week Ahead....

Monday, September 27
Day 1
Byrnes Center Lessons - Kindergarten 

Out of Building: Frey (Full Day)

Tuesday, September 28
Day 2
G4 Target Meeting @ 8AM (ROAR Groups)
Fire Drill - Unannounced 

Out of Building: Frey (Full Day), Riedel (Full Day)

Wednesday, September 29
Day 3
Virtual Faculty Meeting @ 8AM

Out of Building: Hoffman (Full Day), Jennings (Full Day), Johnson (Full Day), Crumling (Half PM)

Thursday, September 30
Day 4

Out of Building: Johnson (Full Day)

Friday, October 1
Day 5
Out of Building: Orwig (Full Day), Kurtzman (Full Day), Knepp (Full Day) Key (Full Day) 
                              Warner (Full Day), Johnson (Full Day)


Friday, September 17, 2021

09-19 -- 09/25

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 The Week Ahead....

Monday, September 20
Day 2
Targeted Team Meeting @ 8AM - Kindergarten

Out of Building: Key (Full Day)

Tuesday, September 21
Day 3

Out of Building: Key (Full Day)

Wednesday, September 22
Day 4
Targeted Team Meeting @ 8AM - Grades 5/6

Out of Building: Key (Full Day), Starks (Full Day)

Thursday, September 23
Day 5
Targeted Team Meeting @ 8AM - Grade 2
September Fire Drill - Unannounced

Out of Building: Starks (Full Day)

Friday, September 24
Day 6
Targeted Team Meeting @ 8AM - Grade 1

Out of Building: Starks (Full Day), Mellinger (Half Day AM)

Fire Drills:
With so many new to us at CV, I wanted to just take a minute to remind staff that our ...
1. Evacuation time out of building must be done in **90 seconds or less** 
2. If a student or teacher is holding a door open for others to quickly exit the building, the student or teacher MUST close the door when finished. 
**No exit doors may remain open or CV fails the drill**
3. Make sure the first or last adult out of the building has a **walkie talkie with them to respond to the attendance** 
4. Be sure to refer to the **evacuation map to know what side of the building reports when called. Linked here and also on the CV Dashboard**

Friday, September 10, 2021


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The Week Ahead....

Monday, September 13
Day 3
Kindergarten color day: Blue
Out of Building: None

Tuesday, September 14
Day 4
Kindergarten color day: Purple
Out of Building: M. Taylor (Full), Howell (Full), Crumling (Full)

Wednesday, September 15
Day 5
Kindergarten color day: Brown
CV PTO Mtng: 6 PM 
Out of Building: None

Thursday, September 16
Day 6
Kindergarten color day: None in honor of ...
Spirit Day: R/L Colors
Due: Substitute Folder (Online Google Folder)
Out of Building: O'Handly/Starks (Full), M. Taylor (Full), Howell (Full), Crumling (Full)

Friday, September 17
Day 1
Kindergarten color day: White
Drill - Intruder (More information to come...) CANCELLED EVENT
Out of Building: Frey (Full), D. Taylor (Half PM)

-Lunch Recess Schedule is UPDATED and UPLOADED to CV Dashboard (linked here)

-Supervision Letters were shared with teachers today, 9/10. If you cannot locate your evaluation timeline letter, please let me know.

-Byrnes Lessons are scheduled. Calendar invites have already been sent for the fall dates, spring will be forthcoming. At this time, all Byrnes Lessons will be in-person. If you have a program that requires volunteers, begin recruiting. Remember, if parents do not have clearances, you as the teacher must escort that parent from entrance to departure and any areas in the building. 

-Red Lion has developed a "Face Exceptions Letter". This is NOT to be advertised but is mentioned to you in awareness that many of our students will be submitting these completed letters to you over the next days and weeks ahead. Please just send them to the front office, attn: Principal. If you receive any emails or phone calls requesting such a letter, as with any communication about masks, send them to my office or forward the email to me, 

For the dog lovers...

For the cat lovers...

No matter which is your choice the message I hope is clear...Enjoy your Weekend:)!