The Week Ahead....
Monday, October 4
Day 6
Out of Building: Kurtzman (full day) Johnson (full day) Atkinson (half pm)
Tuesday, October 5
Day 1
Grade 6 Byrnes Lessons
Out of Building: None
Wednesday, October 6
Day 5
Out of Building: Mellinger (full day)
Thursday, October 7
Day 6
Out of Building: Jennings (full day) Cross (full day) Riedel (full day)
Friday, October 8
Day 1
Out of Building: Key (Full Day) Jennings (full day) Hoffman (full day) Cross (full day)
Webb (full day)
Fire Drill Notes ...
from 9/28: EXCELLENT Job Everyone! As you know, 90 seconds out goal...It took our staff & students 80 seconds to be out the doors and closed behind them:) Keep up the great work!
Side note - Remember to take your red bags with you for recess as our sound system for fire drills does not alarm outside our building.
Here are the SY21-22 Fire Drill Dates and also linked on the CV Dashboard
Mini-Thon Mondays are here! Dress down with your pass or t-shirt purchases of old all related to mini-thon Four Diamonds:)
Be sure to pick up your Collective Efficacy Book Club book now available in the front office & fill out the Google Form linked here in order for the committee to let you know who are your group members.(Deadline, 10/1 book selection) Thank you!