April 18-
Day 2-
Out of Building-White (Full Day)
April 19-
Day 3-
PSSA Gr. 3-8 Math
Spring Choral Dress Rehearsal @ SH @ 6PM (CV)
Out of Building-White (Full Day), Koppenhaver (Half Day PM)
April 20-
PSSA Gr. 3-8 Math
CV PTO Meeting- 6PM
Out of Building-None
April 21-
Day 5-
PSSA Gr. 3-8 Math
School Board Meeting @ EC- 7:30 PM
Spring Choral Concert @ SH- CV- 7:30PM
Out of Building-None
April 22-
Day 6-
2nd Gr. Field Trip to Whitaker Center
Earth Day!!!
Out of Building- Godfrey (@WM)
Thank You
While it has been extremely difficult to leave Reagan at home in the morning, each and every one of you have made it a little bit easier in some way to come to work every passing day. Even more so, thank you to anyone who extended a condolence on the passing of my father via card, e-mail, hug, a shoulder to cry on, or whatever it may have been - it truly has been overwhelming the support that my Clearview family has shown to me during this extremely difficult time. Although it won't be easy moving forward, I can be reminded of my father with the angel that was sent to me from Clearview. Thank you again for all of your support during this difficult time. While "mom" is one of my new titles that I carry around with me, I am extremely grateful to be back at Clearview to work alongside such compassionate people.
PLC in Print
Courtesy of the Marshall Memo.
Making Good Use of the Final Minutes of a Class
“Small Changes in
Teaching the Last 5 Minutes of Class” by James Lang in The Chronicle of Higher
Education, April 1, 2016 (Vol. LXII, #29, p. A36-37), http://bit.ly/1qoNCLt; Lang’s book on this subject
is Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from
the Science of Learning
(Jossey-Bass, 2016); Lang can be reached at lang@assumption.edu.