Monday January 22nd-
Day 6-
End of 2nd Marking Pd.
Grades 2-6: DORA/ADAM Testing Window
Out of Building-None
Tuesday January 23rd-
Day 1-
Begin of 3rd Marking Pd.
Grades 2-6: DORA/ADAM Testing Window
Writing Assessment DUE
Out of Building-Paup (Half Day AM), Silar (Full Day)
Wednesday January 24th-
Day 2-
Title 1 Meeting/Summer Reading Club @ 8AM
Grades 2-6: DORA/ADAM Testing Window
Out of Building-Moritz (Full Day)
Thursday January 25th-
Day 3-
Grade 3 PLC-LGI
Grades 2-6: DORA/ADAM Testing Window
Out of Building-Moritz (Full Day)
Friday January 26th-
Day 4-
Grades 2-6: DORA/ADAM Testing Window
Out of Building-Kopp (Half Day PM), Moritz (Full Day)
PLC in Print
Lunch "Shaming" PA Act 55 Legislation...
Act 55 (see link along with Q & A) and how it applies to us. Here are a few key points that are important for us to know:
1. The district has already been operating under the conditions of this new legislation, despite the effective date being December 6th.
2. School staff can no longer talk to students about insufficient funds. All communication must take place with the parents/guardians.
3. School staff can no longer take away meals from students who have insufficient funds. They can, however, take back “a la carte” items.
4. Related to #4 above, school staff can no longer provide “alternate meals” for students with insufficient funds.
For more information in a recently published YDR article: