Sunday, August 25, 2019


Print Friendly and PDFPrint Friendly The Week Ahead...........

Monday August 26th-
Day 3-
Elementary Instrument Demonstration 10 AM

Out of Building- None

Tuesday August 27th-
Day 4-
Elementary Instrument Demonstration 9:15 AM

Out of Building-None

Wednesday August 28th-
Day 5-
K. Color Days- Wear Red
Fall Bus Evacuation Drill (bus riders only)

Out of Building-None

Thursday August 29th-
Day 6-
Grade 5/6 AM ROAR Mtng
K. Color Days- Wear Orange
-Agenda to be emailed 8/26
Grades K, 1, 2 Reading with Mrs. Key
-Don't forget to sign-up here

Out of Building-None

Friday August 30th-
Day 1-
K. Color Days- Wear Yellow
Practice Fire Drill
-9:15 AM
-2:15 PM
Grades K, 1, 2 Reading with Mrs. Key
-Don't forget to sign-up here

Out of Building- Groff (Half Day PM)

Bits & Bytes

An On-demand PD Opportunity Starting September 3rd

Getting Going With G Suite has been my most popular Practical Ed Tech course over the last six years. It has gone through many iterations just as G Suite for Education has evolved. To reflect the latest updates to G Suite for Education I've updated Getting Going With G Suite once again. This time I'm offering the course in an on-demand format.

The on-demand version of Getting Going With G Suite contains ten self-paced modules. The modules go beyond the nuts and bolts of using G Suite for Education and dive into practical classroom uses for all of the G Suite for Education tools. In the course I share activities that I have done and continue to use with students of all ages.

Sign-up here to be notified when the course is available

PLC in Print

from Thompson, 2018 Text Dependent Analysis: A College and Career Ready Item

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The complete paper is linked here

"A text dependent analysis prompt expects students to be able to demonstrate three main skills: 1) reading comprehension; 2) analysis of an author’s use of literary devices (elements), text structure, or other choices made by the author; and 3) a well-written essay to communicate this understanding. These underlying components (comprehension, analysis, essay writing) are measured using scoring guidelines which provide students with a single score (e.g., Pennsylvania System of School Accountability – PSSA – TDA Scoring Guidelines) or an analytic score for analysis of text, use of evidence, and writing skills (e.g., Nebraska State Accountability – NeSA – TDA Scoring Guidelines) relative to how they are able to demonstrate these underlying components in a coherent and cohesive manner. The scoring guidelines expect students to  demonstrate “analytic understanding of the text(s),” to provide an “analysis of explicit and implicit meanings from the text(s),” and to provide “direct reference to the text(s) using relevant details, examples, quotes, facts, and/or definitions,” as well as demonstrate an appropriate organizational structure, including an introduction with a controlling idea, use of precise and domain-specific vocabulary, and appropriate use of English language conventions ( PSSA-TDA Scoring Guidelines, 2014)."

PLUS Text Dependent Analysis Learning Progressions provided by the Center for Assessment & Pennsylvania Department of Education are linked here.

AND TDA Toolkit linked here

Sunday, August 18, 2019

8/18/19 - 8/24/19

Print Friendly and PDFPrint Friendly The Week Ahead.......

Monday, August 19th-

August 19, 2019
7:15AM-7:45AM: Breakfast Provided by RLAEA (Senior High School’s Commons Area)
7:45AM-8:00AM: Transition time - We will begin promptly at 8:00AM.
8:00AM-9:00AM: District opening and Keynote Speaker, CJ Reynolds (SHS Auditorium)
9:00AM-11:00AM: Professional Staff Members will attend at least 1 session:
Q&A with CJ Reynolds (SHS Auditorium)

ALICE Recertification (On your own - You will receive an email from the Human Resources Office regarding ALICE Recertification. If you complete the training prior to August 19, please skip this option.)

Nearpod Training (D100 Hallway - Nearpod is a new tool available to all professional staff members beginning this year. If interested, please attend the training.)

**Please complete at least one session above. If you are only completing one session at the SHS you may leave at the end of that session. Feel free to return to your home building, work in the SHS’s Commons Area, etc...Use your time effectively and as you see fit.

**The ALICE Recertification does not need to be completed at the SHS. You may leave the SHS to complete the training in your home building, at home, at Panera Bread, etc...It must be completed by September 13. 
11:00AM-12:30PM: Lunch Break (On your own)
12:30PM-3:45PM: Building Meetings (Home Buildings)

Out of Building- 

Tuesday, August 20th-

August 20, 2019
WM’s FDK Teachers and 
Grade 1 Teachers
Mrs. Hughes will share your agenda, for this day, with you.
School Counselors

Department Meeting 

(LJM - Room 207)
School Nurses

Department Meeting 

(LJM: Conference Room) 
Life Skills Support and 
Autistic Support Teachers

Programming with Leslie Myer and Office of Special Education 

(LJM - Leslie Myer’s Office)
Grades ½-Day K & 1 Teachers

2 Reading Specialists (AM only and then join TDA Workshop)

Grade-Level Planning for ELA - Review the pacing guide and plan for new units/program 

(LJM Library)

Grades 2 - 3 Teachers

Delving Deeper into Reflex Data Webinar 

LJM, NHW, and LG Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.): 
* Web conference access: DD Room 3:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.

MG, CV, and PV Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
* Web conference access: Reflex DD Room:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.


Meet as a grade-level team or building team to determine how you will promote Reflex this year. At the end of this time, please have one person per team email your building’s principal to share your plan. 

A few helpful tools: 

The Implementation Ideas section of the blog 

If you have additional time, please review the EDM pacing recommendations.

(Home Buildings) 
Grades 4-6 Math 

Delving Deeper into Reflex Data Webinar 
LJM, NHW, and LG Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.): 
* Web conference access: DD Room 3:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.

MG, CV, and PV Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
* Web conference access: Reflex DD Room:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.


      Meet together to review the EDM pacing recommendations. Determine when (between which units) you will teach Hands-On Equations, approximately how many days you need to teach the unit, and how you will use the H.O.E. Verbal Problems Book. Have one person from your team email Libby Stambaugh and Cc your building principal. In your email, please explain your reasoning for when you are teaching it. 

      Next, click here and check out the list of resources. Email Libby Stambaugh if you have additional links that should be added to the page. 

      If you have additional time, please review these tools:

The Implementation Ideas section of the blog 

(Home Buildings)
Primary ES, ILS, LS Special Education Teachers

Delving Deeper into Reflex Data Webinar

LJM, NHW, and LG Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.): 
* Web conference access: DD Room 3:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.

MG, CV, and PV Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
* Web conference access: Reflex DD Room:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.


      Meet with grades 2 and 3 teachers to determine how you will promote Reflex this year. At the end of this time, please have one person per team email your building’s principal to share your plan. 

A few helpful tools: 

The Implementation Ideas section of the blog 

      (Home Buildings)
Intervention Specialists                   

Delving Deeper into Reflex Data Webinar

LJM, NHW, and LG Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.): 
* Web conference access: DD Room 3:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.

MG, CV, and PV Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
* Web conference access: Reflex DD Room:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.


      Review 504 rosters and distribute copies to teachers for review.

      (Home Buildings)
Grades 4-6 ELA Teachers

Text-Dependent Analysis: It's All About Instruction Workshop with Laura McCusker 


Reading Specialists

Text-Dependent Analysis: It's All About Instruction Workshop with Laura McCusker 

Intermediate ES, ILS, LS Special Education Teachers

Text-Dependent Analysis: It's All About Instruction Workshop with Laura McCusker 

Elementary Art, Music & PE Teachers

Department Meetings 

(LJM: Art - Art Room, Music - Music Room, PE - Conference Room)
11:00AM-12:30PM: Lunch Break (On your own)
School Counselors

Review FBAs and distribute copies to teachers for review.

(Home Buildings)
School Nurses

Health Room Preparations 

(Assigned Buildings)
All Special Education Teachers 

Special Education Meeting  

Grades ½-Day K & 1 Teachers

Take a closer look at EDM - Spiral Tracker, Spiral Trace, Math Boxes, Standards Crosswalk, and Routines. Click here

(½-Day K Teachers will return to LJM and work as a grade-level team in Room 208. Grade 1 Teachers will return to home buildings and work as a grade-level team.) 
Grade 2 Teachers

Take a closer look at EDM - Spiral Tracker, Spiral Trace, Math Boxes, Standards Crosswalk, and Routines. Click here.

(Home buildings - working as a grade-level team) 

Grades 3-6 Math 

Intervention Specialists

Principals will briefly provide an overview of CDTs and share the correlation data. 

      Please spend time determining when you feel it is best to have the students take each CDT category test in Math. Please have one person per grade-level team enter your thoughts on the spreadsheet

      Go to RLASD Tools >Curriculum Maps and Resources > Math > K-6 > Everyday Math Grade (select the appropriate one). This document will help you to determine when you feel it is appropriate to have the students take each category test. 

      Diagnostic Categories:
      Numbers & Operations
      Algebraic Concepts
      Measurement, Data, and Probability

Principals will lead a 2019 Math PSSA/CDT data dig.

New to EDM4 or need  a refresher from last year’s PLCs? Click here.

(LJM Library)
Grades 4-6 ELA Teachers

Reading Specialists

Text-Dependent Analysis: It's All About Instruction Workshop with Laura McCusker 

Elementary Art, Music & PE Teachers

Department Meetings 

(LJM: Art - Art Room, Music - Music Room, PE - Conference Room)

Meet the Teacher Night 

CV, MG, LJM, LG, NHW, and PV will adhere to the following schedule:
  • Preparations: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
  • Kindergarten Orientation: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
  • Grade 1 - 6 Sessions: 6:00-6:30 p.m./6:35-7:05 p.m./7:10-7:40 p.m.
  • Open Session for Questions: 7:40 - 8:00 p.m.

This night has been split into three sessions for teachers to provide presentations to parents and distribute any important paperwork. Those teachers who will be specializing will share information with parents regarding the specialization procedures during this time as well. Dress for "Meet the Teacher Night" is professional.

CV Meet the Teacher Night Attendance Form 19-20
MTTN - JA Back to School Presentation
Title 1 - Presentation
Giant A+ - Letter
Elementary STEAM Night - Grade 3 ONLY email sent 8/20

Out of Building-

Wednesday, August 21st-

Final Flex Day for Teachers

Out of Building-

Thursday, August 22nd-
Day 1-
First Day of 2019-20 School Year!

Out of Building- 

Friday, August 23rd-
Day 2-

Faculty Meeting @ 8AM (LGI): Troy Strayer
-Agenda posted 8/21

Back-To-School Assembly

  • Aug. 23 Gr. 3-6 @ 2:15 PM (GYM) Focus-PRIDE
  • Kindergarten-Grade 2 Read Aloud with Mrs. Key – Sign-Up Google Doc

Beginning Dates for Itinerant Classes (K-6)
  • Art, Music, PE, and Health begin on cycle day #2, August 23

Out of Building- 

Bits & Bytes

PLC in Print