August 20, 2019
WM’s FDK Teachers and
Grade 1 Teachers
Mrs. Hughes will share your agenda, for this day, with you.
School Counselors
Department Meeting
(LJM - Room 207)
School Nurses
Department Meeting
(LJM: Conference Room)
Life Skills Support and
Autistic Support Teachers
Programming with Leslie Myer and Office of Special Education
(LJM - Leslie Myer’s Office)
Grades ½-Day K & 1 Teachers
2 Reading Specialists (AM only and then join TDA Workshop)
Grade-Level Planning for ELA - Review the pacing guide and plan for new units/program
(LJM Library)
Grades 2 - 3 Teachers
Delving Deeper into Reflex Data Webinar
LJM, NHW, and LG Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
* Web conference access: DD Room 3:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.
MG, CV, and PV Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.
Meet as a grade-level team or building team to determine how you will promote Reflex this year. At the end of this time, please have one person per team email your building’s principal to share your plan.
A few helpful tools:
(Home Buildings)
Grades 4-6 Math
Delving Deeper into Reflex Data Webinar
LJM, NHW, and LG Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
* Web conference access: DD Room 3:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.
MG, CV, and PV Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.
Meet together to review the EDM pacing recommendations. Determine when (between which units) you will teach Hands-On Equations, approximately how many days you need to teach the unit, and how you will use the H.O.E. Verbal Problems Book. Have one person from your team email Libby Stambaugh and Cc your building principal. In your email, please explain your reasoning for when you are teaching it.
Next, click here and check out the list of resources. Email Libby Stambaugh if you have additional links that should be added to the page.
If you have additional time, please review these tools:
(Home Buildings)
Primary ES, ILS, LS Special Education Teachers
Delving Deeper into Reflex Data Webinar
LJM, NHW, and LG Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
* Web conference access: DD Room 3:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.
MG, CV, and PV Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.
Meet with grades 2 and 3 teachers to determine how you will promote Reflex this year. At the end of this time, please have one person per team email your building’s principal to share your plan.
A few helpful tools:
(Home Buildings)
Intervention Specialists
Delving Deeper into Reflex Data Webinar
LJM, NHW, and LG Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
* Web conference access: DD Room 3:
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.
MG, CV, and PV Teachers, please use this link to join the webinar (Libby will forward more information to you.):
Click on Guest and log in by typing your name in the Guest Box.
Review 504 rosters and distribute copies to teachers for review.
(Home Buildings)
Grades 4-6 ELA Teachers
Text-Dependent Analysis: It's All About Instruction Workshop with Laura McCusker
Reading Specialists
Text-Dependent Analysis: It's All About Instruction Workshop with Laura McCusker
Intermediate ES, ILS, LS Special Education Teachers
Text-Dependent Analysis: It's All About Instruction Workshop with Laura McCusker
Elementary Art, Music & PE Teachers
Department Meetings
(LJM: Art - Art Room, Music - Music Room, PE - Conference Room)
11:00AM-12:30PM: Lunch Break (On your own)
School Counselors
Review FBAs and distribute copies to teachers for review.
(Home Buildings)
School Nurses
Health Room Preparations
(Assigned Buildings)
All Special Education Teachers
Special Education Meeting
Grades ½-Day K & 1 Teachers
Take a closer look at EDM - Spiral Tracker, Spiral Trace, Math Boxes, Standards Crosswalk, and Routines. Click here.
(½-Day K Teachers will return to LJM and work as a grade-level team in Room 208. Grade 1 Teachers will return to home buildings and work as a grade-level team.)
Grade 2 Teachers
Take a closer look at EDM - Spiral Tracker, Spiral Trace, Math Boxes, Standards Crosswalk, and Routines. Click here.
(Home buildings - working as a grade-level team)
Grades 3-6 Math
Intervention Specialists
Principals will briefly provide an overview of CDTs and share the correlation data.
Please spend time determining when you feel it is best to have the students take each CDT category test in Math. Please have one person per grade-level team enter your thoughts on the spreadsheet.
Go to RLASD Tools >Curriculum Maps and Resources > Math > K-6 > Everyday Math Grade (select the appropriate one). This document will help you to determine when you feel it is appropriate to have the students take each category test.
Diagnostic Categories:
Numbers & Operations
Algebraic Concepts
Measurement, Data, and Probability
Principals will lead a 2019 Math PSSA/CDT data dig.
New to EDM4 or need a refresher from last year’s PLCs? Click here.
(LJM Library)
Grades 4-6 ELA Teachers
Reading Specialists
Text-Dependent Analysis: It's All About Instruction Workshop with Laura McCusker
Elementary Art, Music & PE Teachers
Department Meetings
(LJM: Art - Art Room, Music - Music Room, PE - Conference Room)