January 11
Day 1-
PLC Meeting Grades 3-5 (8-8:45)
LS Team Meeting W/ Sarah Hoffnagle (2:15-3:15)
Out Of Building-McIntyre (Full Day), Burrell (Half Day PM)
January 12
Day 2-
Pride Committee Meeting (8:00)
Jump Rope Masters Assembly (1:30-2:15)
Jump Rope For Heart Intro Assembly (2:15-2:45)
Wear RED for the assembly per Mrs. Eppley
Out Of Building-Smith (@ JH 9:00-11:00 am), Champaign (Full Day)
January 13
Day 3-
Boots Day
PLC Meeting Grade 6 (8-8:45)
Out Of Building-Smith (@ MG 12:30-3:30 pm), Godfrey (WM all day)
January 14
Day 4-
Out Of Building-Smith ( @ JH All Day), Groff (Full Day), Champaign (Full Day)
January 15
Day 5-
Out Of Building-Smith (Full Day)
Bits & Bytes
This video from The Teaching Channel shows California middle-school teacher Leah Alcala demonstrating her new method of grading tests. She highlights each student’s errors, doesn’t give a grade, and has students look over their tests and talk through each mistake with classmates and with her. Only later can students check their grade online. They can re-take the test, using a different version. Alcala says this approach gets students focused on the mathematics rather than grades. One goal, she says, is to “normalize the process of making mistakes.”
PLC in Print
So this one is a little risky for the former secondary teacher/administrator to put out there...but it certainly is an interesting read.
Are Traffic-Light Behavior Charts Effective? (courtesy of The Marshall Memo)
In this Education Week Teacher article, former teacher Heather Bleakley Chang (now at Temple University) raises concerns about the commonly used discipline system that has misbehaving students move their name, usually on a clip or clothespin, from Green to Yellow or Red. Read more here.
In this Education Week Teacher article, former teacher Heather Bleakley Chang (now at Temple University) raises concerns about the commonly used discipline system that has misbehaving students move their name, usually on a clip or clothespin, from Green to Yellow or Red. Read more here.