January 18-
Professional Development at the Senior High...schedule.
No School (Possible Inclement Weather Make- Up Day)
Martin Luther King Day
January 19-
Professional Development Day (Grade Processing)
No School For Students
Out Of Building- Smith (LJM 7:45-3:45)
January 20-
Day 6
End of Marking Period 2
PLC Meeting K-2 (8-8:45)
PTO Meeting (6 PM)
Out Of Building-Godfrey (WM All Day)
January 21-
Day 1
Begin of Marking Period 3
Data Meetings (8-8:45)
School Board Meeting @ EC (7:30 P.M.)
Out Of Building- Smith (JH All Day)
January 22-
Day 2
Data Meetings Grade 2 (8-8:45)
Out Of Building-None
Bits & Bytes
4 Things You Can Do Right Now to Create a Perfectly Organized Google Drive via the Gooru
Everyone organizes their Google Drive differently. Shockingly, many Google Apps users don’t organize them at all. I have found that, by using a few best practices, there is a system for making Google Drive much more organized and easier to navigate.
Proper folder structure, naming conventions, color coding, and keeping track of what is shared with you can go a long way when used properly. These 4 tips show the best way to organize your Google Drive for faster navigation so you never lose track of a document again.
Click here to read more.
PLC in Print
PLC in Print
This is a fascinating look at what motivates us. Daniel Pink's book, Drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us, is one of my favorites. The premise of the book is highlighted here in this RSAnimate video, which is approximately 11 minutes long. Check it out.
Pink discuss 3 things that motivate us...mastery, autonomy, and purpose. I found and interesting article below about teacher autonomy. Enjoy!
How Much Autonomy Should Teachers Have in Their Classrooms?
In this Education Gadfly article, Robert Pondiscio reports on the National Center for Education Statistic’s School and Staffing Survey (SASS). The researchers looked at teachers’ sense of professional control in their classrooms, which is “positively associated with teachers’ job satisfaction and teacher retention.” Teachers who say they have less autonomy are “more likely to leave their positions, either by moving from one school to another or leaving the professional altogether.” Read more here.