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The age-old it appropriate to take away recess from students. I don't believe there is a clear cut answer. I wrote about it on my personal blog here about 18 months ago.
I encourage you to check that out...I reflect on WHY we implemented recess at the junior high 2 years ago.
The NY Times did a nice piece on this a few years ago too.
And yet another article linked here. "Kids are not hardwired to sit all day long." This article is promoting even more recess (I remember when we had 2 recess times for students). That is outside our area of influence at this time. What we can impact is how are we using our current recess allotment.
Consider these as the weather becomes more cooperative to being outside regularly.
How about wiping the slate clean at the end of the marking period and having students start fresh? What about monthly, weekly? Better yet, how about DAILY?
Are there other, better ways to hold students accountable for doing and completing work? If work (homework, classwork) is not getting done, ask the activity or task relevant? Does it engage thinking? Is it necessary? Have you explained how it is applicable to them? From my experience, very few students fail to complete work just to spite us as a teacher. Yes, they need to complete the task that you ask them. Some will, some won't. They all need a break during the day though, regardless of whether they are completing the work.