Monday, January 30th
Day 2- 50's Sock Hop Day!
Out of Building- None
Tuesday, January 31st
Day 3- 100th Day of School! Dress like you are 100 years old.
Out of Building- None
Wednesday, February 1st
Day 4- 70's That's so Groovy!
Out of Building- Paup (PM), Hughes (9-11:30 @ EC)
Thursday, February 2nd
Day 5- 80's Totally Awesome!
Out of Building- None
Friday, February 3rd
Day 6- PRIDE Day! Wear black & gold.
Out of Building- Hughes (PM)
PLC in Print
The LIU is hosting an event with Mr. George Couros, the author of The Innovator's Mindset, on March 28th. More information about this event can be found here. If you are interested in possibly attending this event, please e-mail me with your interest by Wednesday, February 8.
Bits & Bytes
On Tuesday, January 30, we will celebrate the 100th day of school. Time flies when you're having fun! Here is a list of ideas with 100 ways to celebrate the 100th day.