Thursday, January 19, 2017


Print Friendly and PDFPrint Friendly The Week Ahead.....

Monday, January 23rd-
Day 3-
On Demand Writing due to Bri
Jump Rope (Hoops) for Heart Assembly @ 2:45 p.m.
Out of Building- Shellenberger (Full Day), Shearer (Full Day), Kriebel (PM), Hughes (PM @ WM)

Tuesday, January 24th-
TANK Meeting
Day 4-
Out of Building- Paup (PM)

Wednesday, January 25th-
Day 5-
Send Home MP 2 Report Cards
Out of Building- None

Thursday, January 26th-
Day 6-
Out of Building- Shellenberger (AM)

Friday, January 27th-
Day 1-
Title I Meeting @ 8 a.m. in LGI
PRIDE Assembly @ 2:20 p.m.
Out of Building- None

Saturday, January 28th- Bookroom "Party" at's never too late to join us!!

PLC in Print

In February, many of you will participate in professional development on the upcoming Lucy Calkins reading program. An article from The Reading Teacher by Danielle Dennis identifies positive shifts supported by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), including moving away from scripted curriculum packages.

She quotes Cunningham and Allington’s 2015 synthesis of research on the most effective literacy teaching:
-    Large amounts of balanced comprehensive instruction;
-    Lots of reading and writing;
-    Science and social studies integrated with reading and writing;
-    Meaning is central and teaching emphasizes higher-order thinking;
-    Skills are explicitly taught; children are coached to use them while reading and writing;
-    Teachers use a variety of formats and a wide variety of materials to provide instruction;

-    Classrooms are well managed and have high expectations.

Keep these ideas in mind as we move forward with this resource. 

Bits & Bytes

Check out Common Sense Media! This site includes an Educator section that will give you reviews for education apps and teaching tips so you can decide what's best for your classroom. It's also a great resource for Parents that include reviews of movies, TV shows, apps, books by level, and more!